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As of April 2023. To download my CV in full, please click here.

Below, you will find a collection of my publications. Click the "Read" links to see the full papers.


Two-Sided cultural fit: The differing behavioral consequences of cultural congruence based on values versus perceptions
Organization Science
Lu, R., Chatman, J., Goldberg, A., & Srivastava, S. (2023).

Measuring culture for strategic success
To appear in Management and Business Review Journal
Chatman, J. (2023).

Volume 42, 2022
Research in Organizational Behavior
Eds. Chatman, J. (2022). 

Preface to Volume 42, 2022
Research in Organizational Behavior
Chatman, J. & Kray, L. (2022). 

Agentic but not warm: Age-gender interactions and the consequences of stereotype incongruity perceptions for middle-aged professional women
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Chatman, J., Sharps, D., Mishra, S., Kray, L., North, M. (2022). 

Persuading republicans and democrats to comply with mask wearing: An intervention tournament. 
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Gelfand, M., Li, R., Stamkou, E., Pieper, D., Denison, E., Fernandez, J., Choi, V., Chatman, J., Jackson, J.C., & Dimant, E. (2022). 

Measuring organizational culture: converging on definitions and approaches to advance the paradigm.
In C. Newton & R. Knight (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods for Organizational Culture
Chatman, J. & Choi, A. (2022). 

Preface, Volume 41. 
Research in Organizational Behavior
Chatman, J. & Kray, L. (2021).

How have organizational cultures shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic...and what might need to change back?
California Management Review
Brown, N.D., Chen, Y., Harrington, H., Vicinanza, P., Chatman, J., Goldberg, A., & Srivastava, S. (2021). 

A psychologist and sociologist join strategists for breakfast: Building a framework to understand culture and its relationship to strategy.
Strategy Science
Chatman, J. & Srivastava, S. (2021). 

Behavioral norms, not personality, is how cultures change.
Organization Development Review
Chatman, J. (2021). 

Preface, Volume 40. 
Research in Organizational Behavior
Kray, L. & Chatman, J. 

When 'me' trumps we: Narcissistic leaders and the cultures they create.
Academy of Management Discoveries
O'Reilly, C., Chatman, J., & Doerr, B. (2020).

Transformational leader or narcissist? How organizations can prevent grandiose narcissists from destroying organizations and institutions.
California Management Review
O'Reilly, C. & Chatman, J. (2020).

Cultures of genius at work: Organizational mindsets predict corporate culture, trust, and commitment.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Canning, E., Murphy, M., Emerson, K., Chatman, J., Dweck, C., & Kray, L. (2020).

Preface, Volume 39. 
Research in Organizational Behavior
Kray, L. & Chatman, J. (2019).

Blurred lines: How the collectivism norm operates through perceived group diversity to boost or harm group performance in Himalayan mountain climbing.
Organization Science
Chatman, J., Greer, L., Sherman, E., & Doerr, B. (2019).

See you in court: How CEO narcissism increases firms’ vulnerability to lawsuits.
The Leadership Quarterly
O'Reilly, C., Doerr, B., & Chatman, J. (2017).

Paradigm lost: Reinvigorating the study of organizational culture.
Research in Organizational Behavior
Chatman, J. & O'Reilly, C. (2016).

Creativity from constraint: How the PC norm influences creativity in mixed-sex work groups.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Goncalo, J., Chatman, J., Duguid, M., & Kennedy, J. (2015).

Parsing organizational culture: The joint influence of culture content and strength on performance in high-technology firms.
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Chatman, J., Caldwell, D., O'Reilly, C., & Doerr, B. (2014).

Leading organizations: The challenge of developing a strategically effective organizational culture without succumbing to the negative effects of power.
In D. Teece & M. Augier (Eds.), Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Strategic Management
Chatman, J. & Caldwell, D. (2014).

The promise and problems of organizational culture: CEO personality, culture, and firm performance.
Group and Organization Management
O'Reilly, C., Caldwell, D., Chatman, J., & Doerr, B. (2014).

Culture change at Genentech.
California Management Review
Chatman, J., & Chang, V. (2014).

Narcissistic CEOs and executive compensation.
The Leadership Quarterly
O'Reilly, C., Doerr, B., Caldwell, D., & Chatman, J. (2014).

Genentech Immunology & Ophthalmology (GIO): Measuring Performance and Focusing on the Business (B)

Berkeley-Haas Case Series
Chatman, J. (2013).

Genentech Immunology & Ophthalmology (GIO): Culture Change to Drive Business Results (A)
Berkeley-Haas Case Series

Chatman, J. (2013).

Political correctness and group composition: A research agenda.
In E. Mannix & M. Neale (Eds.), Research on Managing Groups and Teams
Chatman, J., Goncalo, J., Kennedy, J., Duguid, M. (2012). 

Organizational Socialization.
In E. H. Kessler (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Management
Sherman, E. & Chatman, J. (2011). 

Norms in mixed race and mixed sex work groups.
In James P. Walsh and Arthur P. Brief (Eds.), Academy of Management Annals
Chatman, J. (2010). 

Overcoming prejudice in the workplace.
In J. Marsh, R. Mendoza-Denton & J. Smith (Eds.), Are We Born Racist?: New Insights from Neuroscience and Positive Psychology
Chatman, J. (2010). 

Psychological perspectives on leadership.
In N. Norhia and R. Kurana (Eds.), Leadership: Advancing the Discipline
Chatman, J. & Kennedy, J. (2010). 

How leadership matters: The effects of leadership alignment on strategic execution.
The Leadership Quarterly
O'Reilly, C., Caldwell, D., Chatman, J., Lapiz, M., & Self, W. (2010). 

Identification and commitment in groups.
In J. M. Levine and M.A. Hogg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Self, W. & Chatman, J. (2009).

Implementing strategic change in a health care system: The importance of leadership and change readiness
Health Care Management Review
Caldwell, D., Chatman, J., O'Reilly, C., Ormiston, M., & Lapiz, M. (2008). 

Integrating themes and future research opportunities in work group diversity.
In Phillips, K., Mannix, E., and Neale, M. (Eds.), Research on Managing Groups and Teams
Chatman, J. (2008). 

Being distinctive versus being conspicuous: The effects of numeric status and sex-stereotyped tasks on individual performance in groups.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Chatman, J., Boisnier, A., Spataro, S., Anderson, C., & Berdahl, J. (2008).

Three ideas for managing diversity.
Greater Good
Chatman, J. (2008).

When do people make the place? Considering the interactionist foundations of the attraction-selection-attrition model.
In Brent Smith (Ed.), A Festschrift to Benjamin Schneider
Chatman, J., Wong, E., & Joyce, C. (2008).

Profile comparison methods for assessing person-situation fit.
In C. Ostroff and T. Judge (Eds.), Perspectives on Organizational Fit
Caldwell, D., Chatman, J., & O'Reilly, C. (2008).

Innovation in services: Corporate culture and investment banking.
California Management Review
Lyons, R., Chatman, J., & Joyce, C. (2007).

Identity in the competitive market: The effects of inter-organizational competition on identity-based organizational commitment.
In C. Bartel, S. Blader, and A. Wrzesniewski (Eds.), Identity and the Modern Organization
Spataro, S.E. & Chatman, J. (2007).

Knowing your place: Self-perceptions of status in social groups.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Anderson, C., Srivastava, S., Beer, J., Spataro, S., & Chatman, J. (2006).

Full-cycle micro organizational behavior research.
Organization Science
Chatman, J. & Flynn, F. (2005).

Using self-categorization theory to understand relational demography-based variations in people's responsiveness to organizational culture.
Academy of Management Journal
Chatman, J. & Spataro, S. (2005).

Developing a human capital strategy at Cisco Systems.
California Management Review
Chatman, J., O'Reilly, C., & Chang, V. (2005).

Asymmetric effects of work group demography on men’s and women’s responses to work group composition.
Academy of Management Journal
Chatman, J. & O'Reilly, C. (2004).

Leading by leveraging culture.
California Management Review
Chatman, J. & Cha, S. (2003).

Intrinsic and extrinsic work orientations as moderators of the effect of annual income on subjective well-being.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Malka, A. & Chatman, J. (2003).

The role of subcultures in agile organizations.
In Mannix, E., and Petersen, R. (Eds.), The Dynamic Organization
Boisnier, A. & Chatman, J. (2003).

“What’s the norm here?” Social categorization as a basis for group norm development.
In Polzer, J., Mannix, E., and Neale, M. (Eds.), Research in Managing Groups and Teams
Flynn, F. & Chatman, J. (2003).

Getting to know you: The influence of personality on the impression formation and performance of demographically different people in organizations.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Flynn, F., Chatman, J., & Spataro, S. (2001).

Strong cultures and innovation: Oxymoron or opportunity?
In S. Cartwright et al., (Eds.), International Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate
Flynn, F. & Chatman, J. (2001).

People in organizations.
In P.B. Baltes & N.J. Smelser, (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Chatman, J. & Goncalo, J. (2001).

The influence of demographic composition on the emergence and consequences of cooperative norms in groups.
Academy of Management Journal
Chatman, J. & Flynn, F. (2001).

International Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate.
Cartwright, S., Cooper, C., Earley, C., Chatman, J., Cummings, T., Holden, N., Sparrow, P. & Starbuck. W. (Eds.)(2001).

The influence of proportional and perceptual conflict composition on team performance.
International Journal of Conflict Management
Jehn, K. & Chatman, J. (2000).

Managerial personality and early career success: A semi-idiographic approach.
Journal of Research in Personality
Chatman, J., Caldwell, D., & O'Reilly, C. (1999).

Being different yet feeling similar: The influence of demographic composition and organizational culture on work processes and outcomes.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Chatman, J., Polzer, J., Barsade, S., & Neale, M. (1998).

Culture as social control: Corporations, cults and commitment.
In B. Staw & L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior
O'Reilly, C. & Chatman, J. (1996).

Personality, culture and cooperation: Evidence from a business simulation.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Chatman, J. & Barsade, S. (1995).

Assessing the relationship between industry characteristics and organizational culture: How different can you be?
Academy of Management Journal
Chatman, J. & Jehn, K. (1994).

Working harder and smarter: A longitudinal study of early career success.
Administrative Science Quarterly
O'Reilly, C. & Chatman, J. (1994).

Matching people and organizations: Selection and socialization in public accounting firms.
Administrative Science Quarterly
Chatman, J. (1994).

Integrating communication and negotiation.
In M. Bazerman, R. Lewicki, and B. Sheppard (Eds.), Research in Negotiations in Organizations 
Chatman, J., Putnam, L., & Sondak, H. (1991).

People and organizational culture: A Q-sort approach to assessing fit.
Academy of Management Journal
O'Reilly, C., Chatman, J., & Caldwell, D. (1991).

Building organizational commitment: A multi-firm study.
Journal of Occupational Psychology
Caldwell, D., Chatman, J., O'Reilly, C. (1990).

Intellectual structure of research in organizational behavior, 1972-1984: A co-citation analysis.
Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences
Culnan, M., O'Reilly, C. & Chatman, J. (1990).

Improving interactional organizational behavior: A model of person-organization fit.
Academy of Management Review
Chatman, J. (1989).

Matching people and organizations: Selection and socialization in public accounting firms.
Chatman, J. (1989).

Message flow and decision making.
In Porter, L., Putnam, L., Roberts, K., & Jablin, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Organization Communication.
O'Reilly, C., Chatman, J., & Anderson, J. (1987).

The managed thought: The role of self-justification and impression management in organizational settings.
In Gioia, D., & Sims, H. (Eds.), The Thinking Organization: Dynamics of Social Cognition.
Chatman, J., Bell, N., & Staw, B. (1986).

Organizational commitment and psychological attachment: The effects of compliance, identification, and internalization on prosocial behavior.
Journal of Applied Psychology
O'Reilly, C. & Chatman, J. (1986).

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